Alexandre Py-Renaudie (IPVF)

Title | Defect mitigation in halides perovskites : from datamining to photoluminescence

Date | March 6, 2023

Abstract | Self-healing can be defined as the ability for a material to recover its properties after being damaged. This amazing property has been observed experimentally for a famous family of photovoltaic absorbers : the lead halides perovskites. However, the scientific community has not yet reached a consensus on the mechanism behind this phenomenon. We propose in this presentation to look for other materials with properties similar to those of lead halide perovskites, and compare their behavior to better understand the self-healing phenomenon. An initial search with a datamining study will be presented, allowing us to identify properties that we hypothesize are markers of self-healing. Thanks to this finding, we selected a family of suitable compounds, the gold halide perovskites. The synthesis and characterization of those compounds will be presented as well, first in the form of powders and then as thin films. Last but not least, we will present evidence of self-healing in these materials in agreement with the predictions of our model.

Alexandre Py-Renaudie (IPVF)

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