EMIPERO – Electrically pumped hybrid perovskites based light-emitting devices

Call | ANR PRC

PI | Emmanuelle Deleporte (LAC ENS Paris-Saclay)

Partners | Christian Seassal (INL Ecole Centrale de Lyon), Rémi Antony (XLIM, Université de Limoges)

Starting date & duration | 2018, 42 months

Abstract | The aim of the consortium is to realize electrically pumped hybrid perovskites based light-emitting devices, such as electroluminescent diodes (LED) and laser diodes (LD). The project proposes a complete study since the fundamental properties of the material in a view of its optimization for the laser effect until the performance characterizations of the devices in a transmission line. The framework of this project is related to applications such as the Visible Light Communication (VLC). The achievement of the devices relies on the skills of three complementary teams : a specialist of hybrid perovskites, a specialist of nanophotonics for light emission, and a third multidisciplinary entity, specialist of organic semiconductors and more recently hybrid perovskites based optoelectronic devices, specialist of VLC and of propagation modeling, specialist of thermal modelling.

EMIPERO – Electrically pumped hybrid perovskites based light-emitting devices

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