IPER-Nano2 : Inorganic PERovskite NANOcrustals for NANOpnotonics

Call | ANR PRC

PI | Maria Chamarro (INSP, Sorbonne Université)

Partners | Alberto Bramati (LKB, Sorbonne Université), Carole Diederichs (LPA, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris)

Starting date & duration | 2018, 48 months

Abstract | IPER-Nano2 has two main objectives : (i) to investigate the optical and electronic properties of new solid-state quantum emitters, the all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals (p-NC). The substitution of halogen atom and the variation of the confinement (ie, the size) allow tuning the emission wavelength from the ultraviolet to near-infrared. The bright room temperature luminescence with reduced blinking and high efficiency up to 90% without surface shelling make these systems very promising for nanophotonics. (ii) to couple single p-NCs to original nanophotonics devices (tapered optical nanofibers, Bragg-grating nanofibers, or fibered microcavities) in order to enhance, redirect and engineer their emission. The long-term perspectives are : to obtain an efficient single photon source based on p-NCs integrated in innovate photonics structures which could ultimately operate at room temperature ; and to build the basis of future studies on the light-matter interaction in strong coupling regime.

IPER-Nano2 : Inorganic PERovskite NANOcrustals for NANOpnotonics

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