Organizers | ABXPV18 – Jacky Even (FOTON, INSA Rennes, France) & Aditya Mohite (LANL, Los Alamos, USA) ; PEROPTO18 – Jacky Even (FOTON, INSA Rennes, France) & Samuel Stranks (Cambridge University, UK)

Website | http://www.nanoge.org/ABXPV18PEROPTO/home

Dates | February 27 – March 1, 2018

Abstract | The halide perovskite materials have formed a new class of semiconductors with outstanding optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties. These materials have revealed a variety of intriguing physical properties leading to numerous applications. In the series of ABXPV18 and PEROPTO18 conferences the main topics of hybrid halide perovskites will be treated with special attention to the main applications.

ABXPV18 will be the best place to hear the latest on developments in perovskite solar cells which are now established as one of the most promising solutions for the future of photovoltaics.

PEROPTO18 is dedicated to halide perovskite photonics and optoelectronics. The conference will focus on the recent advances in the fields of perovskite light-emitting diodes, lasers, optical devices, nanophotonics, nonlinear optical properties, colloidal nanostructures, photophysics and light-matter coupling.

Join us in Rennes to share the these latest findings on the perovskite devices, you can choose your special field of interest or stay for the full series and obtain a unique broad view of the latest developments in perovskites, including efficiency improvement, reliability, upscaling, dimensionality, architectures or progresses in material science.

It will give opportunities to all of us to propose and exchange new ideas with high-level researchers from all over the world.


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