International Thematic School on Excitonics for photonic applications

International Thematic School on Excitonics for photonic applications

Les Houches Physics School, Chamonix Mont Blanc Valley, France
April 16-27, 2018

Organic semiconductors have become important players in photonics within the last decades : they enabled flexible or printable devices, such as OLED displays or organic solar cells. But in the realm of materials that can be chemically tuned and solution-processed, there have been some newcomers in the field recently : hybrid perovskites or colloidal semiconducting nanoparticles for instance.

Besides the fact that all these materials have common applications in the emission and detection of Light, and have similar processing/characterization techniques, these are excitons who play here a central role in the light/material interaction.

Because the field is exciting and new, there is a need to make a pause and get back to fundamental questions. What are excitons in those systems ? How can we characterize them and harvest them in photonic devices ?

16 outstanding lecturers will cover a broad spectrum going from the theory of excitons and their characterization to the most advanced excitonic photonic devices :

  • Chihaya Adachi (Kyushu University, Japan)
  • Natalie Banerji (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
  • Sergei Baranovski (Marburg University, Germany)
  • Jérôme Cornil (Mons University, Belgium)
  • Emmanuelle Deleporte (ENS Paris Saclay, France)
  • Vladimir Dyakonov (Würzburg University, Germany)
  • Jacky Even (INSA Rennes, France)
  • Mark Fox (University of Sheffield, UK)
  • Noel Giebink (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  • Stéphane Kéna-Cohen (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
  • Emmanuel Lhuillier (UPMC Paris, France)
  • Xavier Marie (INSA Toulouse, France)
  • Thuc-Quyen Nguyen (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
  • Peter Reiss (CEA, France)
  • Graham Turnbull (Univ. of St Andrews, UK)
  • Richard Williams (Wake Forrest University, USA)

Application deadline (short motivation letter + abstract for a poster) : January 22, 2018
More information on the website of the thematic school.

International Thematic School on Excitonics for photonic applications

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